SOFT Rocks in action ♦ EXHIBITIONS ♦ Stop action video by Elizabeth Demaray. Tags: dumbo, elizabeth demary
PILLOW Pageant, A.I.R. Gallery – Night Terror artist: Chrissy Conant 1932 Combination Pillow and Coverlet, C.K. Longletz …
PILLOW Pageant, A.I.R. Gallery- Refraction Pillow artist: Yoko Ishikawa 1951 Pillow for Prone Posture Sleeping, C.M.…
Alyce Santoro: Philosoprops & Ontological Apparatus From The Center For The Obvious & (IM)Permacultural January 10 – February 16, 2013 Klemens Gasser & Tanja Grunert Alyce Santoro, inventor of Sonic Fabric and a Pillow Culture…
PILLOW Pageant, A.I.R. Gallery – HaPiBo Pillow artist: Helene Renard filmmaker: Ben Berlin 1970 Combination Pillow and Crash Helmet,…